Saturday, May 16, 2015

Healthy Snacks While Traveling

One of the most popular topics on fitness forums is how to eat healthy while traveling. Even though this can be difficult to do, it is possible. Planning is a definite must if you have any hopes of not having to eat every snack and meal at a fast food restaurant. Although, eating McDonald's for one or two meals on the road won't kill you (trust me). We all like to indulge in fries and ice cream every now and then but it's always better to bring some snacks along to not only save your waistline, due to the excess calories, but also to save some cash as well. And besides who doesn't want some extra money to spend on more important things like clothes and peanut butter (I know I'm not the only nut butter addict out there). Below are some of my favorite healthy snack ideas for traveling for whenever you get the munchies.

First up are are perhaps the healthiest foods you can buy, fruit. Bananas and clementines are my favorite portable form of "nature's candy". Trail mix and non refrigerated muffins from Trader Joe's are also great for quick snacks. Justin's almond butter in the individual packages go great with fruit or can simply be eaten on their own. Individual packs of crackers or chips such as, Pop Chips, Super Crackers, or Annie's Bunnies are fantastic for traveling since they are portion controlled so you will not be tempted to eat the entire bag on the highway. Lastly, nutrition and protein bars like, Quest, Luna, and Think Thin bars are all travel friendly and packed with nutrients. That's it for today folks! I hope you guys got some new ideas for your next trip. Feel free to comment any snacks that you like to bring with you below.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Hi guys! I just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. I am a college student with a passion for health and fitness. I first fell in love with working out in high school, during my sophomore year. Believe it or not I wasn't really physically active growing up as a child. It wasn't until the 8th grade when I joined a local track and field team that I found my passion for exercising. In high school I joined my schools cheerleading team and continued cheering throughout my college career. Currently, I am about to begin my sophomore year at a community college where I am currently seeking an associates degree in applied sciences. I plan to eventually transfer to a four year college and pursue a degree in dietetics. I hope to fill this blog with inspirational motivation, helpful fitness tips, exciting workouts, informational reviews, and tasty recipes. I'm super excited to connect with everyone in the blogging community. Feel free to leave your blog name in the comments below so I can follow all of you guys!